Get to Know Me

Hello!!!! It's been a whole month since I've written anything here and it's because I've had some CRAZY days but despite me being MIA on the blog I try to keep posting daily on Instagram which is my main focus right now.
Since I've been blogging on and off for three years now (not really consistent here tbh), I think it's time to re-introduce myself. It might seem like I share who I am completely in each one of my pictures which I really do but I try to keep my private life and emotions as private as possible and I only share certain things with people that are really close to me rather than overexposing my emotions online. As you all may know my name is Tally Dilbert and I'm Honduran and some of my passions are fashion, photography, marketing and politics on the side.
I've shared this many times about how I moved to the United States exactly two year ago and to be honest it was something really hard for me. I believe, well I'm sure for a fact, that I'm a person that's scared to accept change rather than embracing it ( which I have learned to manage and see the good rather than thinking negative). Letting go and starting over, meeting new people, not knowing what would happen to my blog or my career terrified me daily. I would constantly complain and cry about not knowing what to do with my life, which was so frustrating to me but day by day I learned how to live with these things and accept change.
2018 has been an emotional year for me since it started. I would always try to put a brave face but at the end of the day I would cry all night about every problem that I didn't have control of. One day I realized that I can't beat myself down and loose focus of what really matters to me and that me being in this country right now is for a bigger purpose that God might have for me. Which is why I decided to start my Instagram over on February. People would ask me things like: Why would you start your Instagram over? Why do you make it such a big deal? What will happen to your followers? How are you going to grow? Part of my journey of growing up was that, letting go and learning how to start over from scratch and since Instagram is a big part of my daily life (which is basically a small part-time job for me) I decided to start from creating a new one with a true purpose and being completely myself.The reason why I relate me moving with starting my Instagram over is that it is possible to start over, yes, very simple. We are so afraid of change that we are not willing to takes risk has proven to me that no matter where I am I'll be able to achieve the things that I want.
I used to have so many plans for my future and now I just roll with everything, I try my best every day not to stress about any situation because things just happen when we least expect them. I really never expected to move which really hurt me and I would question it daily but it has really made me grow as a person. I feel like this last month has been a month in which I self-checked myself. Embracing the good and appreciating the bad moments and bad decisions which are the main one's that make me grow.
This is who I am right now, a big happy mess that's still finding her way in this world. I hope you can continue to be in this journey with me and of course I'll be sharing more fashion tips and blog posts so keep on the look out for more!